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Services & Events
For Sex Workers 

All femme-identified sex-workers, past and present,

are welcome to access our services.


Community Outreach

Currently on pause

Kathleen Street, Downtown Sudbury

Locations and details coming soon.

Community Drop-Ins

Tuesdays & Thursdays, 12pm - 2pm at SACY, 95 Pine Street

Wednesdays, 1pm - 3pm at the Supervised Consumption Site

Come connect & learn more about SWANS. We provide snacks, harm reduction supplies and toiletries (quantities and variety dependent on recent donations). We also provide peer support & help accessing ressources.


Individual Support

If you can't or don't feel comfortable attending community drop-ins, we offer individual support. These consultations are a space for you to ask questions; receive harm reduction supplies; receive referrals to other community supports; ask for advocacy; and more.

Past Events

International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers

December 17th, 2022

Community is power. To honour this day, we gathered to share good food & supportive conversations.


Watch Party For The Sex Workers' Constitutional Challenge In Ontario
Superior Court

October 3rd - 7th, 2022

Community is power. To honour this day, we gathered to share good food & supportive conversations.

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Activist Training
for Sex-Workers

April - August 2022


Sex Worker activist training was a series of 6 sessions to commune & teach about sex worker history, empowerment, resources , art-making & more. It came to a close with an in-person group activist action & dinner. This initiative was funded by (funding body).


Building Inclusive Communities With Sex Workers Conference

Building Allyship with Sex Workers


Sudbury Events Centre

This annual conference invites non sex-working service providers, community members, students, researchers and faculty to join sex-working community members, sex-work organizers, advocates & allies for a full-day of programming. This conference was designed to improve meaningful inclusion for people who work in the sex industry into community non sex-working services & organizations.


Building Inclusive Communities With Sex Workers Conference

Anti-Trafficking Policy and Sex Workers Human Rights: A Close Look from the Front Lines

March 1st, 2018

The Clariton Hotel

This conference was dedicated to providing education and information to non sex-working service providers, police services, community members, sex workers and allies on the impacts of the Anti-Trafficking legislation, policies and approaches.  We clarified the conflation of sex work, human trafficking and exploitation. Sex Worker organizations from Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto & Sudbury presented on the issues.


Sexual Assault:
The Roadshow

November 25th, 2018


This was the last stop on the Roadshow tour.  This was a community participatory art gallery in a 20’x8’ shipping container that uses art to talk back to sexual violence. Since early 2016 it has travelled to 20 areas/cities in Ontario and Sudbury was it’s final stop.

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2016 - 2019

Sudbury, North Bay, Montréal, Toronto, Barrie, St John's, Sault Ste. Marie

Project ArmHer is a multi-year, multi-media, multidisciplinary project with Myths and Mirrors Community Arts and SWANS, a collective of women with lived experience in sex work and their allies.


The project aims to create a safe space in which women can creatively share their experiences and raise awareness on issues of stigmatization, violence, and lack of protection for people working in the sex work industry. The visual and theatrical work is based on the experiences of women working in the sex industry and created and performed by them and their allies.


The creative and support team is: Sarah Gartshore, Playwright; Cait Mitchell, Documentarian and Media Artist; Sarah King Gold, Lead Artist and Multidisciplinary Artist; and Tracy Gregory, SWANS’ Founder.


Special thanks to: Lori MacLeod, Lanna Moon, and Ruth Howard of Jumblies Theatre.


Funding for this work was provided by It’s Never Okay: Ontario’s Action Plan to Stop Sexual Violence and Harassment.

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Building inclusive communities with sex-workers since 2012.

Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

(705) 280-8005

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